Monday, March 1, 2010

How do artists develop content and ideas from their work?

- Artists can get ideas a lot of different ways. Inspiration can come from people, places, objects, or even personal experiences. At the same time, an artist could get an idea from just messing around with material. There are times when I see a specific photo or picture and imediately get inspired to do something, but there are also times when i'm just playing around with different materials and I discover something new I can do with the materials, and I go with it. Also, if an artist is feeling a certain emotion strongly, it can often show in their work, purposely or not on purpose.

What kinds of techniques, behaviors, and habits allow artists to turn their ideas into meaningful works of art that engage the viewer?

- I don't think it necessarily takes a specific skill for someone to turn their ideas into meaningful works of art. I think if you enjoy what you are working on, and the idea you have, it will almost always turn out ok. But I think it is necessary to sometimes step back and look at your artwork from a different perspective. It is hard to see your artwork with fresh eyes, or from the perspective of someone who has never viewed it before, because you've been there every step of the way creating it. Often times, flaws that you see as an artist, others will not see, and it is important to get opinions from other people on what they think if you want your artwork to have a connection with people.

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